Turnkey Zoo Hippopotamus Exhibits

When we were asked to provide a system for two Hippopotamuses in the Dubai Safari Park, we knew that this would be one of our greatest technological challenges. To filter the main pool of an adult hippopotamus is the toughest task when it comes for biological filtration technology. However the system we delivered successfully, allows crystal clear views of the hippopotamuses being underwater without the use of chloramines and corrosive chemicals. This project was a retrofit design and installation to fix existing water quality problems of the exhibit.
There are two hippopotamus exhibits at the Dubai Safari Park. The first one consists of one giant hippopotamus and the other one of a Pygmy Hippo. MAT filtration technologies has been awarded to redesign, supply, install, and commission the complete Animal Life Support Systems (ALSS) for both exhibits.

ACO Disinfection Technology in Zoo Exhibits
The Dubai Safari Park allows visitors to observe the hippopotamuses swimming in clear water conditions accompanied by monkeys living on the trees above. MAT is an expert in supplying the correct equipment securing water quality under WAZA, AZA, and EAZA exhibit standards. MAT filtration systems apart using ozone and UV to achieve disinfection, added for the first time the ACO Technology. ACO (Active catalytic oxidizers) are an animal friendly disinfection process, which work by harvesting sun’s UV beams to catalyze the formation of free radicals and increase the RedOx potential in the water.
Zoo Hippopotamus Exhibit Filtration Systems
Project Outline:
- LSS & MEP Design
- UV Disinfection Units
- MBBR filters
- Ozone Contact Skid Systems
- Ozone Generators
- Equipment, Piping & Electrical Installation
- Equipment Supply, Commissioning & Hydrotesting.
- Technical Training to Operational Staff
360 Virtual Tour at the Filtration Room of a Zoo Hippo Exhibit