Aquarium Compact Skid Filtration Systems
MAT Skid Compact Filtration Systems present the ideal and complete Life Support System (LSS) and they are suitable for any specification of the public aquarium and aquaculture industry where area space is of the essence.
MAT Compact LSS Units are designed to provide biological, mechanical, chemical, and disinfection filtration in the smallest footprint than any other alternative filtration. The unique design is energy efficient, running all filtration with only one low energy consumption Venturi fitted Speck pump. The Skid Units are gravity fed and are fitted with one main feed Speck pump. Uniquely designed for simple operation to achieve the best possible filtration, the Skid Systems are equipped with: High Performance built-in Protein Fractionator/ Skimmer and sludge auto wash system, Trickle Filter Bioreactor, Moving Bed Bioreactor, Multipurpose media canister – suitable for Active Carbon, Phosphate Absorption Media Bio-pellets, Ultraviolet Disinfection System, Ozone Generator System, Water Level Sensors with alarm, mechanical Flow sensors through all built in systems, Basic Functions Button Console, Venturi Pump, Feed Pump, IP64 Fuse Box and Steel 316 Bolts and Nuts.
Our skid units are manufactured in-house from Polypropylene plastic by SIMONA AG, offering robust fabrication, appropriate for heavy duty use, made to operate in saline and humidity conditions. All units come fully assembled and hydro tested for fast and trouble-free installation on site. For optimum mechanical filtration capacity, MAT recommends the addition of an AFM pressurized filter. By installing a Pressurized Circuit system next to the Gravity System circuit, the filtration achieves optimum tank circulation through its filtration, providing energy saving and less maintenance. Optionally, all systems may come with full automation capacity, SCADA, autonomous or connected to a centralized system.
Equipment Features

- Protein Skimmer / Protein Fractionator
- UV sterilizer
- Ozone Generator – Ozonizer
- Oxygen Concentrator
- Degasification Bio tower / Trickle Filter
- Moving Bed Biofilter Reactor – MBBR
- Multi purpose pressurized canister
- Mechanical filtration PE socks
- Venturi Pump
- Feeding Pump
- Automated Skimmer Cup Wash System
- Automatic Foam Cleaner
- Pumps Polycarbonate cover
- Fuse box
- Level Controllers
- Flow controllers