Interzoo 2016 is the International Pet Industry’s Leading Exhibition. This year, it takes place on 26-29 of May 2016, at the Exhibition Centre in Nuremberg, Germany. MAT LSS has traditionally participated in the event since its first steps. Although Interzoo fair does not attract 100% of our target group of clients, its location and tradition makes it an excellent hub for public aquariums and LSS installators from around Europe to come and meet us.
MAT will be located at Hall 7A, Stand 727 of the Exhibition Centre. This year we will be presenting our newest Extra Small Skid Water Filtration system, the “XS Compact”, a brilliant development that has derived from our large commercial LSS skid filtration systems.
Moreover, you will have a chance to get a glance on our newest Venturi Rack Fractionation Enhancer System, the MATLSS VRFES for mega protein skimmers. MATLSS VRFES is an engineering product which will provide a better and more sustainable environment for all marine mammals kept in dolphinariums and large aquariums around the world. Lastly, you will also find our technologically advanced LSS skid system the Compact 75, which is able to handle easily, 75m³ of heavily stocked aquarium water, at the smallest footprint available in the market.

As in previous fairs, the booth is shared with our European Distributor, De Jong Marinelife, where the largest reef aquarium of Interzoo 2016 will be supported by a MAT LSS Compact 10 in full operation. Our respected vendors, ARBO thermoplastic Pump Filters from Netherlands and SITA UV from Italy, will join us in our booth, providing deep technical support to any of your questions.
Get a Free Invitation for Interzoo 2016
It will be our honor and pleasure to meet you in our booth enjoying our all day buffet and open bar. Please contact us to get a free invitation card for Interzoo 2016 or if you would like to book an appointment with our sales team.
The exhibition outcome
Interzoo 2016 was the fair MATLSS launched the smallest skid system for 5000ltrs. The new system has a power consumption below 350watt at full operation making it the most efficient filtration on skid systems up to 5000ltrs in the world. The new XS skid system is being run with Abyzz pumps and SITA UV. Our shared booth with Dejong Marine life presented the best reef aquarium of Interzoo 2016 attracting hundreds of professionals daily. We would like to thank our friends old and new ones, our colleagues and affiliates that visited us and we hope to see all again very soon in one of our next fairs in AAZA and IAC this year.
For more information about Interzoo visit the website of the fair here